
Monday 14 May 2007

Verka rocked Eurovision, but Serbia’s depression won over the hearts of Europe

I know Verka’s song was not even a song, hardly a music, with no lyrics, but altogether the performance was great, she rocked the contest. I was watching Eurovision with a bunch of friends and multinational crowd. As soon as Verka started, her vibes were inflammatory and everyone around started following his ‘dance’ routines. Serbia’s Marija had good voice, but it just did not do for me, too depressing… In any case, congrats Serbia and Marija!

Top ten for Armenia in Eurovision 2007

My congrats to Hayko and Armenian delegation for securing top ten! Hayko delivered very good performance, he sang good, performed good, the stage was tastefully decorated. As I mentioned in my earlier post, song itself does not stand out much, but it grew on me, and with excellent stage show (one of the best in Helsinki) it made touching impression, indeed. Blood on the shirt at the end of performance was a bit too much, but well, Hayko did really good.

Of course, the most exciting part was the voting results announcement, as always. By the way, my compliments to Sirusho, presenter of Armenian votes. She looked amazing. I have not seen her for ages, and could hardly recognise her – if there were a contest, she would have won Miss Eurovision Vote Presenter 2007!

Turkey: 12 points to Armenia in final 2007; 10 points to Armenia in semi-final and final 2006

Armenia – ‘null’ points to Turkey in finals 2006 and 2007; but 2 points to Turkey in semi-final 2007

And then… speculations on Turkey’s 12 points to Armenia began. From ordinary fans to politicians from both sides and further – everyone is discussing the ‘underlying meaning’ of it: political, reconciliatory gesture; ‘hidden’ Armenians in Turkey; Kurds and other minorities; or simply Turkish viewers liked the song.

By the way, no one mentioned that Armenians also gave points to Turkey, 2 points, in semifinal – first Armenian votes for Turkey in Eurovision! Here is the link to the official semi-final scoreboard. So, in fact, despite some Turkish and Azeri commentators, Armenian public is able to award points to Turkey. What we are losing in this sort of discussions is the most important point – was Turkish song good enough? In my opinion, this year’s Turkish entry was the worst in years, trying very hard and failing to copy Ricky Martin, and very tacky, indeed. And I am glad that Armenian viewers did not vote for Turkish song in the final, not because it’s Turkey, but because the song and performer/performance was very bad, really, really.

I was discussing with my Armenian friend the possibility of Armenia winning Eurovision, say next year. Would be fantastic, no doubt, but would Armenia be able to cope with it, in terms of facilities, concert hall etc? Imagine, contest starting at midnight local time…

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