
Sunday 9 March 2008

Video evidence of shooting towards protesters by Armenia special police units

Today Armenian opposition distributed a video evidence (below) confirming their previous claims, as well as some eyewitnesses, that special police units shot towards protesters during 1 March events, in contrary to official information on shooting in the air only or no shooting at all.

P.S. Here is official version of events voiced few days ago (source -

Law enforcement officers did not fire in the direction of demonstrators, Sona Truzyan, a spokesperson for the Prosecutor-General, said in a press briefing Wednesday, speaking about the events on March 1.

“The preliminary investigation will establish all circumstances of the deaths. I can state basing on the data of the preliminary investigation available as of today that no shot was fired in the direction of the demonstrators even during the mass unrest,” Truzyan said, adding that to quell the riots police used tear gas and tracer bullets fired solely into the air.


  1. Did they say there was no shooting or no shooting DIRECTLY at protesters? I obviously can't access the RFE/RL link you added to read that report.

    I also can't see the video because of the block on YouTube. Hopefully people can start using some of the other online video sites as well as uploading to their own servers.

    Anyway, if the video shows direct shooting at protesters rather than in the air, for sure heads need to roll for that one, and the international community better make damn sure that they do.

  2. This video warrants international investigation! What I can see from the video is that shooting was NOT IN THE AIR.

    I added to my initial post English version of RFE/RL link, from ArmeniaNow, detailing official verson of events voiced just few days ago:

    “Law enforcement officers did not fire in the direction of demonstrators, Sona Truzyan, a spokesperson for the Prosecutor-General, said in a press briefing Wednesday, speaking about the events on March 1.

    The preliminary investigation will establish all circumstances of the deaths. I can state basing on the data of the preliminary investigation available as of today that no shot was fired in the direction of the demonstrators even during the mass unrest,” Truzyan said, adding that to quell the riots police used tear gas and tracer bullets fired solely into the air."

  3. Shootings video mirror, not on Youtube:

  4. An advise for living in this dark days in Armenia.
    The internet was the last source of information for many of us. They do their best to block all the independent sites access from Armenia so here goes the solution: Use TOR (
    It's sort of an advanced proxy with random route selection and transport encryption.


  6. TOR is a great idea, Suro. Good suggestion.

  7. We need to pressure the media to show this video and expose the Armenian government as the criminals they are. I am sending links to the youtube video with a reference to see minute 2:25 when the shooting starts. If everyone sends emmails with the link, perhaps they will use it.
    examples are cnn, MSNBC, bbc, nbc foxnews etc.

  8. The Tor anonymity network ( is excellent. Suro, but note that it does not do encryption of your message unless the end server actually guarantees encryption. (So don't log into accounts that don't have SSL on them.)

    For reading simple text (such as, a faster way might be to use a web-based proxy such as
