
Saturday 14 February 2009

Naked men in downtown Yerevan… to mark Valentine’s day

To mark Valentine’s day, Brabion Flora Service in Yerevan initiated an unprecedented PR action. They announced that all men who will be at their flora salon at 2 pm local time in swimwear or underwear only, will get a free bouquet. The organisers expected 1 or 2 men to turn up, but there were 10 or so there.

This is unprecedented since it’s not every day you could see naked Armenian men in downtown Yerevan. In fact, this is the first time that something like this is organised in Armenia. Well done to all those brave Armenian men who did not care what others would say and did what they wanted to do. Well done to organisers too. That’s what I call Valentine’s day in Yerevan ;)

*For more details, read A1+ story here (in Armenian)
**photos – Photolur, via A1+


  1. oh cool, the guys on the right side of the first picture is my friend and the yellow flowers from the third picture are at the PINK office now:)))

  2. but they were not really naked.

  3. Well, only swimwear/underwear separates them from being full naked. May be next year? ;)

  4. this must be your lucky day, check out another video out of yerevan you will really like!

  5. I don't know, I think they were just trying to save money on flowers!!! :D
