
Monday 4 May 2009

Armenian police 'in action' at opposition pre-election Yerevan mayor campaign rally

Live reporting by Onnik Krikorian


  1. That police force needs a major reform. People like Bazaz and such have no place in policing.

  2. Important to see this video--many thanks to Onnik for pioneering this innovative approach, which is going to prove important since the authorities can't censor it.

  3. Watch
    from 6:40 for Bazaz brutality. Bazaz behaves like a psycho, he harasses not only the demonstrators but also the police, probably even more. He is like a loose canon in midst of people. I guess at some point his subordinates will get so fed up that they will put a sack on his head in narrow streets of Yerevan and bit s*** out of him.

  4. Yes, Bazaz fits in the clinical diagnosis of a psychopath.

  5. Very interesting videos. I wish they were longer.

    I wonder what was the video camera in use, because it seems to behave like the i-phone, as if their was a drop of water within the lenses. When the camera shakes you get this weird, liquid-like effect.

  6. Parisan, Onnik was using Nokia N82 phone. He shared some of his first impressions of using this handset for live mobile broadcasting here.

    I wish iPhone has a video recording capabilities too. What an embarrassing omission by Apple...

  7. Mika, Parisian,

    The problem is that I didn't have image stabilization on for the video. By default it's turned off (for some reason -- maybe frame rate?) and I only discovered the option the next day.

    Re. the iPhone, though. Is this a third-party workaround?

  8. Unfortunately, it's not available on official iphones, this application reportedly works only on 'jailbroken' one. Just checked again iphone application store - as of today, nothing for video recording there :( shame, really... hopefully newer versions will appear rectifying this and some other omissions.
