
Wednesday 16 September 2009

Yerevan diaries: Vivacell vs. Beeline

As you might have expected, my first choice of mobile phone provider in Yerevan would have been a Vivacell. I respect Ralph Yirikian, and posted few times about his charitable activities.

That’s what I did at first. I got my sim card from Vivacell. However, as I will be using my phone not only for calls/sms but also for Internet, the quality of the latter is obviously one of the important factors to determine my choice. Unfortunately, after few hours trying to get Internet mobile access via Vivacell, I gave up. It was too slow, I was effectively unable to use gmail or facebook. So... I went to Beeline, as I remembered from my past experiences that I was reasonably (for Armenian standards) satisfied with their mobile Internet. And yes, Beeline’s was much better this time too. Far from perfect, of course, but at least I now have a relatively OK-ish mobile Internet.

Sorry, Vivacell...


  1. Hi Mika,
    Off topic...Have u heard about Adnan being arrested? I didn't know that...

  2. Yes, of course. I posted and tweeted about it quite a few times. There is also an intensive coverage of the case in GVO and Frontline blogs, as well as international media.
