
Monday 11 January 2010

Armenian comedy... er, sorry... ‘elections’

Another ‘election’ passed... The fact that it features prominently on Armenian Comedy website says it all. The title was spot on: “Kidney Stone Elected for Armenian Parliament” (basically, a noone). Armenian real life tragicomedy in making.

Election has long become a joke in Armenia. Some still go and try... many gave up and do not care anymore. From mid-90s till now, the very idea of possibility to make changes via elections was effed up in Armenia. Outcome is predictable. Authorities... the same. Opposition lacks policy/directions/strategy. Apathy rules. Back to indifference of Kocharyan years?

Honestly, no political force in Armenia inspires me any more, not even the slightest. However, there are many inspirational individuals out there, regardless of their political affiliations and views. They are minority. But they are the only hope I see could eventually move Armenia forward. I do believe in individual's ability to make a difference.


  1. The problem is that there is real suffering. There were 10 people killed. There are about 20 people in prison. There are countless people subjected to physical and mental intimidation. While it may seem like comedy to an outsider, the repercussions are real.

  2. those (on both sides) who wanted violence got it. the rest of the vast majority of the population knows that change (other than self-destructive change) doesn't come from provoking violence. my comment is aimed both at the protestors and those among the authorities who got what they wanted - a violent clash.
