
Tuesday 5 January 2010

Hrant Dink Day in London - 19 January 2010

Hrant Dink was a prominent Turkish-Armenian editor who was assassinated in Istanbul on 19 January 2007.

The Hrant Dink Society
c/o The Temple of Peace, Cardiff, Wales

invites you to events on

Hrant Dink Day, 19th January 2010,
in the UK Parliament, London

"The Minorities of Turkey"

1. Outside the Turkish Embassy-A Silent Vigil at 1 p.m. with banners: "Turkey respect your Minorities"

2. Meeting in the House of Commons at 5 p.m. (Committee Room 16). "Hrant Dink and Turkish Armenia"
Sponsor: Nia Griffith MP

3. Meeting in the House of Lords Lords (Committee Room 3A at 7 p.m. ) on Minority Rights in Turkey
Soonsor: Baroness Finlay of Llandaff

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