
Sunday 17 June 2012

No or wrong Armenia flag to celebrate Olympic nations in London

UPDATE 26 June 2012: Armenia flag now up flying among other Olympic nations in London

On Friday, the headlining news in British media announced that London's Regent street re-designed to fly national flags of ALL Olympic nations, participants in London 2012. This is intended as a celebratory welcome to all nations ahead of the start of Olympic games in a month time.

On picture it looked like a pretty impressive display of flags. So I decided to capture this historic moment, and of course flying of the Armenian flag among Olympic nations.

Alas... there was none. The display was impressive, indeed, but I saw no Armenia flag whatsoever.

...unless they've made an error by displaying this red-blue-(wide) yellow flag twice (you can see it in a picture below: second row towards left, and repeated two rows behind towards right) and confusing it with Armenia one.

FYI to organisers: here is how Armenia tricolour (red-blue-orange) looks like (via Wikipedia):

I do not know who is responsible for this, or who advised re flags, but I left feeling disappointed...


  1. P.S. It's Colombia's flag [red-blue-(wide) yellow] that repeated twice. Funnily enough, they have city named Armenia.

  2. I have been told that Armenian flag has now been put up. Will check myself as soon as possible and will post an update with picture.
