
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Fascism during Vartavar

Armenian Aryans, ultra-nationalists, anti-semitic and homophobic group based in Armenia, apparently hijacked the Vartavar celebrations in Garni again.

Horrific picture.

No wonder that Norwegian right wing terrorist may have found links in Armenia too.

*picture by Onnik Krikorian

Monday, 25 July 2011

Norway terrorist’s alleged diary indicate links to Armenia far right nationalists

The extract below is believed to be from Norway mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik diary or manifesto. It suggests that this guy may have developed links to far right nationalists / neo-nazi in Armenia too.

Quote thanks to Nazarian posting /emphasis mine/:

“March 2010

I have ended my “email acquisition phase” ending up with a grand total of 5700 Facebook contacts (2 accounts) and a total of 8000 high quality email addresses (representing all spheres of cultural conservative thought). I now have a direct way forwarding my compendium to a good portion of the most dedicated nationalist oriented individuals in all Western European countries, including the US, Australia, Canada, South Africa, certain Eastern European countries, Armenia, Israel and even India. This task has taken me several months and it pained me to purge all my FB contacts. I’ve talked and discussed with hundreds of patriotic individuals (many whom are nationalist oriented intellectuals fighting the good fight), many good people, which made the decision to purge the contacts even harder. I have now moderated by FB profile considerably and transformed it to a politically correct profile. I do fear sometimes that my endeavours relating to the research of the book, and acquisitions of these addresses has resulted in me being put on various watch lists. I know that at least a few of the profiles I invited are fake, and used for information gathering for various European and US intelligence agencies. The question is; have they flagged me? I guess I will find out eventually...”
This information about possible links of Norwegian murderer to Armenian nationalist groups or individuals is very worrying, indeed. This is what should be considered a matter of national security and swiftly investigated by relevant agencies in Armenia.

I may only hope that the enormous tragedy in Norway will serve as a wake-up call for people and governments in broader Europe, including Armenia, on the rise of neo-nazi and other full-of-hatred groups in the continent.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Amy Winehouse: my London is shrinking

She was part of my London. When I moved here, after the initial ‘introductory’-touristy period, I started creating MY very own London within THE London. “Creating” is probably the wrong choice of word here because I didn’t artificially create it per se. It was evolved in a very organic way. Into a space with people, places, things that come to my mind when I think of London. They are a reflection of my interests. Taste. Preferences. Together they define much smaller, much more intimate and dear London to me.

Now that Amy is gone I feel the sense of (part)emptiness and I do not know how, when or if I will be able to fill it again.

It feels like part of my London is gone, cut off. Part of myself. It's painful.

Good bye, Amy... xxx

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Cute Armenian children on the Facebook video call / chat announcement!

So cute!! I love this :))

*thanks to Dave Chapman for the link.

Re: the ‘issue’ of foreign-language schools in Armenia (AM)

Անձամբ ես ռուսական դպրոց եմ գնացել Երևանում: Առանձնապես չեմ բողոքում իմ հայերենի իմացության առումով: Միշտ էլ գրել և կարդացել եմ հայերեն (ռուսերենի և անգլերենի հետ մեկտեղ), և հիմնական խոսակցական լեզուս հայերենն է եղել:

Օբյեկտիվորեն հասկանում և ընդունում եմ օտարալեզու դպրոցներին դեմ պայքարողների որոշ պատճառաբանումները: Բայց համաձայն եմ նաև այս կարծիք արտահայտողի հետ, որ մի տեսակ ֆանատիզմի աստիճանի է հասնում այս ամենը, և անհանդուրժողական մթնոլորտի` այլ կարծիք արտահայտողների նկատմամբ:

Armenia: ...when it's OK that reporters are prohibited from sitting in on the trial

Was thinking about today's decision in Vanadzor to not allow journalists' presence (sitting in) at suspected pedophile trial. I reckon, it's for better, away from sensationalist reporting, and minimises the possibilities of breaching children's privacy.