
Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Diaspora ‘աչքակապություն’ of parliament. Double act of non elective representativeness in Armenia?

Of course, this “presidential idea” voiced by - infamous for all the wrong reasons - ‘Diaspora minister’ Hranush Hakobyan, has for now more of a ‘exploring the grounds’ and populist (‘աչքերին թոզ փչել’) meaning. But it may potentially develop into something more significant with the implications for future.

Some observers were quick to dismiss it as an “idea” to divert people’s attention from real issues.

Few points for now.

As if having one effectively non elected parliament was not enough, making Constitutional changes to formalise the archaic system of non-representative pseudo-parliamentarians, similar to British ‘House of Lords’ is truly a “Forward, Armenia” (of course, British citizens, unlike Armenians, have elective democracy too).

This is like creating yet another stillborn, aka presidential “Public Council” that was established under the pretentious/populist/made-up (delete as appropriate) “idea” of making people's voices heard. Not that anyone believed it.

I can’t imagine this Diaspora chamber of parliament, or whatever, will ever get materialised, but - even if theoretically - this “idea” may have a serious implications of making a total mess in Diaspora-Armenia relations, as well as within Diaspora.


Anonymous said...

How much do they pay you to spread anti Armenian propaganda on your blog?

artmika said...

Too much, dear Anonymous. Thanks for your compliments.

Ani said...

Allowing non-residents the power to dictate how a country’s citizens live has a precedent: it’s called colonialism. What other country’s “president” would so cynically and willingly offer to turn an independent country into a veritable colony? And, as the epress article points out, this important announcement was not even MADE in Armenia—what better proof to show the cynicism of the government towards the people it pretends to represent!

Of course, all the oligarchs own second homes elsewhere (that’s where they spend the money they reap in Armenia), so this way they can manage from afar their companies and the plantations they are amassing while still retaining the ability to be members of Parliament. Meanwhile, the dwindling population of Armenians who actually live in the country earn less, have fewer opportunities, and have their civil and human rights trampled upon with impunity. But of course, they are needed as potential army recruits, unlike any Diasporans—I highly doubt that an army service requirement will be added to this “package,” an important point considering all the “bring it on” bravado heard from these armchair patriots.

Diaspora Armenians want to “shape” the lives of resident Armenians without all the fuss and bother of actually having to live there. Most have not even visited. What in the world would they know about the miners’ environmental situation or the small farmers’ and street vendors’ economic plights? Have they seen the “yellow rain” falling in Kapan or the regional civic building in a certain northern city whose floors and walls have not been fixed since the Soviet Union (and lacks what they would deem a “restroom”)? Would they care about these “details,” unlike quixotic notions such as regaining lost territory from Turkey?And in succumbing to this flattery, do those who sit in Glendale ponder that more Armenians are living in Moscow? Who would they speak for in an elected body?

Anonymous said...

As a Diasporan Armenian now living in Armenia (i.e.a repat), even I think this is a ridiculous idea. I agree with the points raised by Ani. And here's one more opinion to add to the pot :)