*source: Private Eye
(thanks to R.B. for the link)
Armenia, London, news, reviews, personal... the way I see and feel it
More than two-dozen prominent Armenians in the Diaspora have signed a statement supporting equality and justice for all in Armenia. Among th...
More war of words between Russia and US (interview with CNN): Putin acuses US of orchestrating Georgian war to benefit one of its presidential election candidates implying Republican candidate John McCain, of course.
BBC reports on that intervew too.
There were lively discussions on McCain and US neocons factor in this conflict on Unzipped here and here (under comments section)
All I can say is "Go Obama!" The cognitive dissonance in having to decide whether to believe Bush (McCain) or Putin is making me very very dizzy...
Reluctant as I am to agree with Putin on something,get a load of McCain's latest ad:
That's why they've chosen Sarah Palin as VP candidate: Apparently Russia is planning to take back Alaska, and Sarah's got experience with a gun... (Hope I didn't give Putin any ideas!!)
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