
Monday, 7 April 2008

As if military parade was not enough…

...there will be an “air balloon show” on 9 April conveniently “sponsored” by a “private company”. And all these 'celebrations' - on the day of remembrance for those killed during 1 March events in Yerevan (by Armenian tradition on the 40th day the souls of the deceased are remembered).

ArmeniaNow reports:

“While it also has been announced that a private company-sponsored air balloon show is scheduled to take place in Yerevan’s Republic Square on April 9 evening, the detainees call on people to turn off the lights at their homes at 9.00 pm, April 9, for one to eight minutes in order to pay nationwide homage to the memory of the dead.”



Anonymous said...

I'm not too sure of the details re. the balloons, but I was told about this last week. It was said that the balloons are doing some mega-journey and were invited to stop over in Armenia en route. Yes, the timing is remarkable and it's hard to consider it coincidental.

Another issue re. the inauguration itself is that only select media outlets and journalists will be allowed to cover the event so that means no photos from my end. Still, I have to be honest, while of some use in terms of archive material, it would all be pretty boring had I decided to go shoot it.

artmika said...

I am now hearing more details of that balloon show... Btw, it will too be by special invitations only... I suppose for the same crowd, or family & friends...

artmika said...

To Anonymous whose comment I did not approve:

I am afraid, I do not have sense of humour when it comes to memory of those who died...

artmika said...

Armenia Today publishes interesting news article today about Serj Sargsyan inauguration ceremony. Despite all these (inappropriate) mega-show-celebrations, the ceremony itself would be pretty modest in terms of foreign guests present: there will be no president-level guests there.

Инаугурация в Армении: Пышная церемония без именитых гостей

По сообщениям источников ARMENIA Today на инаугурацию новоизбранного президента Сержа Саркисяна представители сверхдержав, в том числе и стратегического партнера Армении решили ограничиться спецпредставителями, максимум спикером Госдумы России.

Так по сообщению пресс-службы посольства США, от этой страны на инаугурации будет присутствовать лишь помощник заместителя госсекретаря США по делам Европы и Евразии, сопредседатель Минской группы ОБСЕ Мэтью Брайза. Франция, по некоторым данным, и вовсе не намерена принимать участие в запланированном властями Армении шоу. ЕС и ОБСЕ ограничатся командированием чиновников "четвертой категории". Даже ближайший сосед Армении - Грузия также намерена ограничиться премьером и главой МИД, что в принципе большой жест, поскольку, к примеру, на инаугурацию президента Михаила Саакашвили, Армения направила лишь главу внешнеполитического ведомства Вардана Осканяна. В то же время, в отличии от инаугурации в Грузии, куда прибыли президенты Латвии, Литвы, Эстонии, Польши и Румынии, на аналогичной церемонии в Армении ни одна страна не будет представлена на уровне главы государства.

Тем не менее, страна готовится к пышному празднованию – с военным парадом и ограничением движения автотранспорта. Провластная публика успокаивает себя тем, что инаугурация президента Армении в первую очередь организуется для армянского народа. Ну а армянский народ, вернее его протестное большинство готовиться к совершенно иной церемонии – траурной, точнее сороковинам жертв трагических событий 1-2 марта.

Anonymous said...

I'm told the balloons will be here 8-13 April and not just be operating from Republic Square. Liberty Square has also been mentioned, but I'm not sure this is true or not although it wouldn't surprise me. People are able to book free trips up in them, btw.

Interesting event to take people's minds away from politics and I daresay it will succeed unless the opposition can somehow capitalize on it. I wonder if they'll go up and throw leaflets to the wind or something.

Armen Filadelfiatsi said...

Balloons across the sky are a beautiful thing. On the karrassoonk of the victims of March 1st? Hatspanian was right, quoting Siamanto: "Oh, human justice, let me spit in your face!"

Do the ones flying the balloons know whom they are catering? Surely, they wouldn't support them. Maybe we can stop this sickness. Contact the ballooners and let them know that they are helping Chauchesku wanna-bes.

mayranoush said...

this is an ancient tactic. In Rome they used to have gladiatorial contests to divert people's attention from politics and social injustices. They also fed Christians to the lions.

Maybe following in that ancient tradition, in Armenia they will also have gladiatorial contests in the now all purpose Liberty Square. Or better yet, they might decide to feed demonstrators to Dodi Gago's lions.

ԿԻՆՈՄԱՐԴ said...

With all my respect for the victims of March 1 and fully aware of our traditions, I am disgusted by the USE of religion and religious rituals by our political forces.
During the pre-election period, the stupid race to light candles in churches and participating in religious ceremonies by presidential candidates – Serge in particular – made me sick.
Now, we have this karasunk being used by the opposition “to remember the souls of the deceased”.
How can these types of political tactics lead to a democratic republic (by definition, a secular state)?

Anonymous said...

Mayranoush -What about running chess olympiads in 96 when ordering tank into the streets against the population? Moden day gladitorial combat...again authored by LTP!

pigh said...

I am much more interested why Levon anter-Petrosyan is keeping silence?
Where is his bravity?

Anonymous said...

Reflective, I think the chess olympiad was underway when the election happened, no? Still, even so, interesting timing for one -- whether it was during the election period or the protests. Anyway, perhaps some things don't change after all.

Anonymous said...

tigran dont worry,

i am glad you are nervous about LTPs silence and not only you i bet.....

his word is so powerful that your goverment and you are just waiting in fear for his next public speach!

mayranoush said...

Reflective, you really are something! You crack me up. If someone said, Serzh has a big nose, I am sure you will say 'Yes, but Levon has an EVEN bigger nose'. :)!!

But, just out of curiousity, could you explain to me how a chess olympiad, which does not invovle any physical combat is in anyway 'gladiatorial'? I am just curious...Also, what is your apology for having these shameful diversions held on the karsunk of the 8 people killed? What do you have to say about the fact that they decided to move the karasunk to the 37-or memorial?

And just to remind you, no one was killed in 1996.

Anonymous said...

Tigran, who is Levon Anter-petrosyan?
I never heard of him.
Is he a monster which was created by H1 to scare naive children into
obeying Serzhik and Robik?
Is he a magician, who uses hypnosis,from Sona Truzyan's nigthmares?
Or is it one of the beasts in Dodi Gago's zoo?

Anonymous said...

Call (to turn the balloon show into the protest action)

Հայ ժողովուրդ,

Վաղը ժամը 20.00 բոլորս այցելում ենք Հանրապետության հրապարակում կազմակերպված Սերժիկի շոուին ու այն ՀԱՐԱՄ ԱՆՈՒՄ:

Գնում ենք այնտեղ, որպես սովորական մասնակիցներ, լսում ենք երաժշտություն և սպասում ենք մութն ընկնելուն:

Ժամը 21.00-ից 21.30 ընկած ժամանակահատվածում, երգերից մեկի ավարտից հետո բոլորս միահամուռ կերպով սկսում ենք վանկարկել ՍԵՐԺԻԿ ՀԵՌԱՑԻՐ, ԱԶԱՏՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ, ԱԶԱՏ ԱՆԿԱԽ ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆ և ՊԱՅՔԱՐ, ՊԱՅՔԱՐ ՄԻՆՉԵՎ ՎԵՐՋ! Ու դրանով իսկ հարամ ենք անում Սերժիկի միջոցառումը:

Հավատացեք, որ մեր վանկարկություններին միանալու են մասնակիցների մեծ մասը:

Ժողովուրդ, հավաքվելու և մեր բողոքի խոսքը ասելու սրանից լավ հնարավորություն չի կարելի պատկերացնել:

Նրանք իրենց անհեռատեսությամբ նվեր են անում մեզ ու մենք իրենց միջոցառումը հարամ կանենք:

Խնդրում ենք այս տեղեկատվությունը հնարավորինս շատ տարածել:



Anonymous said...

If someone said, Serzh has a big nose, I am sure you will say 'Yes, but Levon has an EVEN bigger nose'.

I think this has been the problem all along with both sides adamant that it is the other with the bigger nose or that being born in one place is better than being born in the other.

I think this is why I considered any chance of holding more democratic elections went out the window sometime last autumn. I also think it's why both sides should now start seriously addressing the problems facing Armenia in words rather than insults.

artmika said...

ArmeniaNow publishes details of today's balloon show:

Up and Away Armenia!: Hot air blast better for ballooning than for politics or protest on Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day in the Armenian capital began with a Technicolor display of optimism as Yerevan skies were splashed with the spectacle of about 15 giant hot air balloons.

The skilled balloonists barely cleared rooftops and power lines in what was surely an attempt by authorities here to lift spirits from the dark mood produced by the election results that today see Serzh Azat Sargsyan become independent Armenia’s third president.

The parade of balloons launched a day that is planned to be full of pomp and pageantry under tight security that has put police on nearly every meter of the city center.

And, as the teardrop-shaped balloons gave way to Mother Nature’s raindrops, minibus drivers tortured by the closedown of streets already were parodying the event. Favored among the new jokes was speculation that the hot air balloons were “the government’s new system for spying on protestors”.

And Armenaker Kamilion posts English translation of a call published here by Anonymous:

Let's rain on Serj's parade

People of Armenia,

Tomorrow at 10 PM, we're all going to participate in Serj's parade in Republic plaza and RUIN IT.

We're going to go there as regular participants, listen to the music, and wait until sunset.

At around 11-11:30, after one or another song ends, we'll start chanting in unison, "Serjik, Go Away," "Freedom," "Free, Independent Armenia," and "Struggle, Struggle, Until the End," and with that ruin Serjik's opportunism.

Many of the other participants will join us. You can believe it.

People, an opportunity to gather and make our voices heard that is better than this cannot be imagined.

They, with their lack of foresight, are giving us a gift. And we will ruin their opportunism.

We ask you to please spread this news widely.



artmika said...

Armenian police in action: beatings under music. Protests continue